Join us at Streaming Streams EH conference

We know that many of us were looking forward to this year’s international environmental humanities conference organised by the team at KTH Sweden, which has understandably had to be postponed until 2021. However, in lieu of the full conference there will be keynotes and some taster sessions running online during the original conference dates of the 5-7 August 2020. Among the participants will be EEHN convenor Michelle Bastian in a session on the more-than-human materialites of time “Is Time that Hard to Grasp?, and members of the Seedbox Collaboratory sharing their work in “The Posthumanities Hub, submerged at ART LAB GNESTA”. Forum discussions will also take place around issues such as Sustainable Academia, Covid-19 and the Environmental Humanities, and  Journals and the remaking of scholarly fields. See the full schedule here.

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